

While this system does not automatically produce real-time glucose readings like other连续葡萄糖监测(CGM)systems on the market, it has become very popular as an affordable middle ground between traditional fingerstick blood sugar meters and fully-featured CGMs.


  • the little round sensor is thinner and more discreet than sensors required with other CGMs
  • 即使您依靠数据来做出胰岛素给药决定,也不需要使用常规的指尖测试来使用或校准系统
  • you can use your compatible smartphone to scan the sensor and see glucose data, without needing a separate handheld reading device (as of Aug. 2, 2021)
  • 较少的警报和复杂功能使某些人使用的艰巨降低
  • 更实惠,部分是因为自由列布尔不包含附在传感器上的单独(昂贵)发射器
  • more accessible, because it’s sold directly at pharmacies, has fewer parts needing replacement, and is generally easier to get covered by insurance


  • full view of your glucose data is only available retrospectively on the software platform
  • device registers only the last 8 hours of data, so if you don’t scan for 8 hours or longer, some data will be lost
  • doesn’t currently connect to as many other diabetes devices as competing CGMs

Launched internationally in 2014 and first approved for use in the United States in 2017, the Libre is quickly becoming a market leader.

The FreeStyle Libre 2 is the latest model available in the United States as of mid-2020, with some important added features like glucose alerts.

Scannable sensor.Users wear a little white disc sensor about the size and thickness of two stacked quarters, and hold the handheld reader or smartphone app over it (about .4 to 1.5 inches) to scan it for data. The sensor measures间质流体每一分钟。这是批准的食品和药品Administration (FDA) for use only on the upper arm, and attached to the skin using an easy-push inserter device. When inserted, there is a 1-hour warmup period before glucose data is available. With just a 1-second scan, users can see their glucose reading, trend arrow, and 8-hour history.

Wear time.自2018年以来在美国批准的最新传感器持续14天。在做出胰岛素给药或其他治疗决策之前,它不需要任何指尖校准。

Handheld reader.尽管原始的Libre型号允许使用智能手机应用进行扫描,但Libre 2最初不允许这样做,因为FDA未清除。取而代之的是,您仍然需要使用单独的手持式阅读设备来扫描传感器并查看葡萄糖结果。然而,Abbott received approval对于2021年7月下旬的移动应用程序功能,因此您可以扫描传感器并在兼容智能手机上查看数据。无论您使用哪种设备,扫描都快速,轻松,并且可以在任何类型的衣服(甚至厚夹克)上进行。

Real-time alerts.This is new for the Libre 2 as of 2020. Users have an option to turn on real-time alerts, to hear a beep or feel a vibration whenever their glucose levels dip too low or high. Users can adjust the settings for their own preferences on when they want to be alerted:

  • Low range: 60 to 100 mg/dL
  • High range: 120 to 400 mg/dL

This can help users stay safe, especially when sleeping, and alert them any time their glucose levels might need immediate attention. If you ignore an alarm, it will beep again in 5 minutes if the out-of-range condition still exists.

To be clear, to get an actual glucose reading or see the trend arrow on the direction your sugars are heading (like those on competing CGMs), users will still need to pick up the receiver and scan the Libre sensor.


准确性和影响。The standard measure of accuracy for continuous glucose monitoring devices is known as MARD (or Mean Absolute Relative Difference). The lower the number, the better the accuracy. The Libre 2 has a9.3 percent total MARD得分(成人9.2%,儿童为9.7%)。通常,10岁以下的任何东西都被认为是良好的准确性,并且大多数CGM符合此测量标准。

另外,latest datafrom June 2020 on the FreeStyle Libre system shows the technology is successful in helping people with both T1D and T2D stay in range, whether they’re using an insulin pump or multiple daily injections. Another2020 study法国外面表明,自由群岛帮助减少了一半的住院数量糖尿病性酮症酸中毒(DKA)-52 percent for those with T1D, and 47 percent for those with T2D.

数据分析。可以在读取器上分析葡萄糖数据,或使用公司的自由泳在智能手机上进行分析LibreLink app

应用程序和远程监视。TheFreeStyle LibreLink appdisplays 90 days worth of data, and has a feature that lets you share your data with up to 20 people from a single account.

Keep in mind that you need adoctor’s prescriptionto get this device. Insurance coverage is available, but of course, out-of-pocket costs vary by plan.

The FreeStyle Libre is available in national U.S. pharmacies like Costco, CVS, Kroger, Rite Aid, Walgreens and Walmart.


FreeStyle Libre pricing

  • List price of $54 per 14-day sensor, or generally $58 to $69 at retail pharmacies like Costco and Walgreens
  • 有了商业保险,大多数人每月为参与药房的14天传感器支付10至75美元
  • 手持式阅读器(如果需要的话,一次性购买):70美元的标价
  • 全部的:approximately$1,582 to $1,868 annually, or $160 per month

When the very first Libre model the market, DiabetesMine’s own Wil Dubois reported: “To me, the Libre is a game-changer because it adds context to glucose readings, without the need for loads of high-cost test strips or a full-fledged CGM system that’s also more costly and probably more complex than many patients need. In short, the Libre is pretty slick, and could be perfect for both doctors and many patients.”

Shawn Gotlib in New York was an early Libre 2 user in the United States and shifted between his Dexcom and Libre, but liked the latter more after using it over time with few complaints. Specifically, he preferred the Libre’s slimness and discreetness, simplicity of setup and use, and ease of sensor insertion.

Gotlib said his work hours are long and he’s an avid jogger, so he can’t always ‘get away’ to do a fingerstick test or interact with a bulkier CGM system.

“I like how easy it is to use right out of the box,” he told DiabetesMine. “The size of the sensor is nice. And it’s easy to get a quick reading, even in winter when swiping the reader through my coat.”

Gotlib warns prospective users or new users to keep a close eye for suspect readings, though. “If you’re not sure about a BG reading, or you get an extreme high or low, do a regular fingerstick test,” he said. “The Libre can be ‘off’ sometimes — especially on the last 23 hours of the sensor life.”

In thisYouTube评论, Canadian T1D Laura Craven says she finds inaccuracies mostly in the first 24 hours of the sensor. “More often than not, I find it reads lower [rather] than higher than my actual blood glucose readings. To overcome this, I usually insert my sensor 24 hours before I want to activate it,” she said.

艾伦•门罗生活在T2D伊利诺斯州南部,started using the Libre in 2017, as the first and only CGM system he had ever used. He says he felt empowered and learned more about how food and lifestyle choices impact his glucose levels.

他告诉糖尿病敏方式,“过去我使用了各种葡萄糖仪,但不是最常规的测试。进行测试并没有打扰我。我太懒了,无法拿起套件,拉出柳叶刀设备,在仪表中放一条条并进行测试。我对自己的感受很多,没有太多其他。最近,我正在使用IHealth Labs计量表,它在与手机同步方面做得很好,但只给了我葡萄糖水平的快照,而不是我使用Libre系统获得的信息。我对将数据下载到计算机时可用的图表和图表感到非常惊喜。”


While the FreeStyle Libre is unique because of tiny round sensor and exceptional ease of use, there are other options to know about for continuous glucose monitoring.

TheDexcom G6andMedtronic Minimed Guardian CGMare both more “traditional” CGM devices with a sensor-transmitter design that provide automatic continuous results every several minutes without needing to scan the sensor. They also have more advanced alert and alarm options, like “urgent low,” “urgent low soon,” “rise rate” and “fall rate.” And they both integrate currently with insulin pumps. But they aremore expensive并定期需要更多供应。

There is also an implantable CGM calledEversenseby Senseonics. It is distributed by Ascensia (former Bayer) and features an implantable sensor that stays under your skin for 90 days. You wear a transmitter on your arm, over the insertion spot, to stream glucose data continuously to your smartphone. This requires a doctor’s office visit to insert and remove each sensor, and some people find that they incur small scars on their arm from the procedure.

总体而言,人们似乎喜欢自由泳自由泳系统的便利性,及其在糖尿病管理中带来的改进。我们发现的几个抱怨是关于准确性的,尤其是在热身时期或传感器寿命结束后 - 与许多CGM的常见困境。

FreeStyle Libre is also among the most accessible and affordable advanced diabetes tools currently available. If you don’t mind wearing a small white disk on your arm that will likely be visible, manually waving a device over it to get glucose readings, and getting only very minimal alerts from the system, then the FreeStyle Libre might be a great choice for you.

[也可以看看:Dexcom vs. Abbott FreeStyle Libre: CGM Function, Accuracy, and Cost]