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If you have type 1 diabetes (T1D), you know how hard it is to manage. The constant highs and lows (literally), carb counting, injections, device alarms, and on and on… day in and day out.

In recent years, there has been growing recognition of the psychological burdens of diabetes , and experts now often cite the term “diabetes burnout” to explain the state of frustration and feelings of being overwhelmed by diabetes.

Chances are, if you’ve lived with T1D for more than a few years, you’ve experienced burnout at some point during your journey. I know that I, along with every person I know with T1D, have had my fair share of burnout episodes.

Yet although this issue is gaining increased recognition, there is a huge lack of practical resources to help us cope.

Luckily, there are a handful of books by people who are also “walking the walk” that can help you feel less alone, improve your mental health approach, and offer tips about approaching the daily burdens of T1D.


Diabetes Burnout book by William Polonsky

About the author.Dr. Bill Polonsky is the president and founder of the San Diego-basedBehavioral Diabetes Institute, the first organization dedicated to understanding the relationship between mental health and diabetes. Polonsky is an associate clinical professor in psychiatry at the University of California, San Diego. Although he does not live with diabetes himself, he’s considered a pioneer in this area. His impressive resume includes earning his PhD in clinical psychology from Yale and serving as the senior psychologist at the legendary Joslin Diabetes Center in Boston, as a faculty member at Harvard Medical School, and as the chairman of the National Certification Board for Diabetes Educators.

Book synopsis.这本精明的书籍最初发表于1999年,探讨了“糖尿病倦怠”的想法和它源于它的源自。在整本书中,Polonsky提供交互式问卷和自我评估工具,以帮助您了解您在倦怠频谱上站立的位置,并指导您克服倦怠,帮助您在糖尿病管理中更积极地积极主动。此外,本书还提供工作表,以帮助评估您的动机水平并建立行动计划。

Why people with diabetes (PWDs) love it.Polonsky offers clinical insight and tips that are informed by his own research and experiences as a diabetes educator. Plus, his writing is compassionate and humorous so it doesn’t feel like constant doom and gloom, but rather like getting advice from a trusted friend.

Where to get it.This book is 348 pages long and can be bought as an audiobook ($18.37 to purchase, or free with an Audible account), physical book ($14.79), or e-book ($14.05). All options are available for purchase onAmazon

About the author.Kerri Sparling has had T1D for 34 years, and has dedicated her career to “amplifying the patient narrative.” She is a writer, poet, and speaker who has been an active leader in the patient advocacy space since 2005.

Book synopsis.“Balancing Diabetes” asks the question, “How do we figure out how to manage our diabetes along with all the aspects of life that are outside of diabetes care?” Sparling uses the book as a way to compile strategies used by PWDs and their caregivers to offer insight and to help with that delicate balancing act.

为什么PWDS爱它。Rather than focusing on diabetes, this book focuses on the person, the life of the person and their families, and looks at how diabetes fits in. The person-first narrative reminds us that we are not just our disease and looks at how we can be kinder to ourselves while managing our diabetes. Also, this book is not just catered to people with T1D. Sparling’s advice transcends age, gender, relationship to the person with diabetes, and whether you have type 1 or 2 diabetes. Anyone touched by diabetes in some way can relate and find help in this book.

Where to get it.This book is 204 pages long and can be purchased as a physical book ($24.76) or e-book ($9.39) onAmazon, or as a Kindle e-book ($12.99) fromBarnes and Noble

About the author.Ginger Vieira has hadT1D and Celiac diseasesince 1999. She currently works at the nonprofit orgBeyond Type 1作为自由作家,励志演讲者和YouTube内容创作者,她用糖尿病向vlog发表关于她的生活。到目前为止,她已发表关于糖尿病的五本书,主题从怀孕和T1D到儿童书籍,解释了低血糖手段。

Book synopsis.This burnout book is meant to be used as a guide to help readers manage the daily work and pressure of diabetes management. Vieira discusses tools and encouragement to help you get back on track and take control of your diabetes management, and see it as a rewarding priority rather than an exhausting chore.

为什么PWDS爱它。Perhaps this comes from Vieira’s background as a motivational speaker, but “Dealing with Diabetes Burnout” does not feel like a lecture or a dry volume in any way. Instead, the author comes at you with a friendly and straightforward voice that tells you, “Diabetes can be tough, but you are tougher, and here’s how we can manage it.” She is able to use humor, compassion, and raw honesty to create a realistic look and plan of action when thinking about diabetes burnout.

Where to get it.This book is 256 pages long and can be bought as a physical book ($15.21) or e-book ($9.99) onAmazon

About the author.Adam Brownhas had T1D since 2001. He previously served as senior editor atdiaTribe.org, and lead diabetes technology and digital health coverage at their sister consultancy,Close Concerns。He has an expansive resume, writes and speaks extensively about diabetes and chronic disease, and is widely recognized as a leading expert in diabetes technology. In early 2020, he decided to pivot his career to become amental health professional

Book synopsis.“Bright Spots and Landmines” originally began as a column on the diaTribe website in 2013, and Brown later transformed it into this actionable guide in which he shares the aspects and strategies that have made the largest impact on his diabetes. The book contains countless tips, questions, and shortcuts to help you understand where you are in your diabetes management and where you would like to be. “Bright Spots” of course refers to things that are going well that you can build on, and “Landmines” are the tough areas you’ll need to learn to navigate carefully.

为什么PWDS爱它。In addition to the wealth of information you can find in this book, Brown argues that we should not just focus on the mistakes we make in diabetes management (the Landmines), but instead work to bolster our Bright Spots. He encourages readers to find what’s working and ways to do those more often so we can have more successful glucose management, and live happier and healthier lives overall. This book can be used by anyone, whether they are newly diagnosed or have managed diabetes for 50+ years, type 1 or type 2 — as the tips and tricks are universal.

Where to get it.This book is 250 pages long and can be bought as an audiobook ($14.95 to buy, or free with an Audible account), physical book ($6.42), or e-book ($1.99). All options are available for purchase onAmazon。You can also download a PDF copy of the book for free on theBright Spots and Landmines website; if you choose this option, you are strongly encouraged to donate to diaTribe.org through their portal.

About the author.You might knowSierra Sandisonas Miss Idaho 2014, who made headlines launching her#ShowMeYourPumpcampaign, a social media movement encouraging people with diabetes to be “out and proud” with their medical gear to raise awareness for the disease. Now, Sandison travels the country to speak at schools, and various health and educational conferences across the diabetes community.

Book synopsis.Her book “Sugar Linings” acts as both an inspirational treatise and as a memoir. Sandison shares her story and discusses the positives of living with T1D, such as finding a new community. She hopes to use the positives, or “sugar linings,” as reminders and beacons of hope so that readers can take them through their hard days.


Where to get it.This book is 163 pages long and can be bought as a physical book ($14.99) or e-book ($9.99 to buy, or free with Kindle Unlimited). Both options are available for purchase onAmazon

About the author.莉娃格林伯格已经内转至自1972年以来,作品a freelance writer, diabetes corporate advisor, educator, advocate, health coach, and online influencer. She has advised the Centers for Disease Control in the branding of Diabetes Self Management Education and Support Services. She has published three books that serve as a trilogy on how to manage your diabetes well; the first book in her installment is “The ABCs of Loving Yourself with Diabetes.”

Book synopsis.This brightly illustrated book aims to offset the fear and frustration of diabetes and offer messages that will make you feel happy and accomplished. Greenberg uses a “love-all” theory that helps readers treat themselves more lovingly, with patience and forgiveness, to help create better diabetes management. The book is full of helpful and inspiring tips and images to inspire readers to find joy, courage, and pride in their diabetes management.

为什么PWDS爱它。Greenberg offers helpful tools that focus on the positives around the work you are already doing yourself. She does so by using each letter of the alphabet to offer a phrase, a few paragraphs of explanation, and an image to help illustrate her tips regarding diabetes and mental health. For example, K’s phrase is “K is for Knowing you are capable of change.” Readers love these anecdotes as they are easy to remember long after putting the book down.

Where to get it.This book is 68 pages long and can be bought as a physical copy for $19.95 onAmazon, or for $35.94 atWalmart

About the author.Chuck Eichten was diagnosed with T1D when he was 13 years old. Today, he is creative director of the Nike brand in Portland, Oregon. After 30+ years of experience, he wrote “The Book of Better” to share some of his tips and warnings about how to successfully manage your diabetes, with a focus on the advantages of using aninsulin pump。通过他的工作,他意识到我们都希望一个诚实的谈话,笑的能力(甚至在我们自己),我们想要更好地让我们的生活更好的真相。他试图将所有这些方面应用于糖尿病管理的对话。

Book synopsis.The book is both a memoir-of-sorts and an illustrated novel that helps explore life with diabetes. Eichten takes you through what’s made him successful in his diabetes management, as well as his “idiot mistakes” (in his own words). He reminds readers that we should always strive to do better, and even a little bit better is better than nothing. And if we work every day to be a little bit better, we’ll eventually get to a point where we are a whole lot better.

为什么PWDS爱它。Eichten is brutally honest, stating that “Diabetes sucks, but your life can still be awesome.” He is candid in a way that doesn’t distract or deter readers, but rather encourages us by reminding us he has been where we have been, and we won’t always be stuck in the bad days. As a graphic novel, his book is short and to the point.

Where to get it.This book is 68 pages long and can be bought as a physical copy for $15.00 onAmazon, or as a NOOK e-book onBarnes and Noblefor $11.99.


If you like a more medically-driven approach, you may opt to start with “Diabetes Burnout: What to Do When You Can’t Take it Anymore” by Dr. Bill Polonsky. But if you prefer something lighter with more visuals alongside your reading, you may want to select “The ABCs of Loving Yourself with Diabetes” by Riva Greenberg or “The Book of Better” by Chuck Eichten.

或许你想要一些讲故事或更喜欢备忘录比任何事情更多。然后,我们建议您潜入抽水岭的“平衡糖尿病”或“糖衬里:发现1型糖尿病的光亮侧”通过Sierra Sandison。

No matter which book you choose, you’re sure to gain a lot of helpful tips and encouragement to help you navigate your own diabetes management.

Happy reading!